SB,UK - One to One client
Before starting work with Katy I was Carb Phobic and uneducated about the specific benefits of certain foods for fertility. I was also worried that my investment in therapy would be costly and not sustainable. But the world is a better place with Katy in it, thank you for being you. Katy is supportive, informative, enabling, motivating and caring. I’ve improved my BMI and have increased my knowledge and understanding. My advice for anyone considering it would be to Do It!
LR,UK - One to One client
I loved my sessions with Katy, they were really informative and helpful and she really took time to explain things in a great way even if it was over time and was very supportive and made me feel heard and understood. I had spent so much time and money on seeing other
doctors, naturopaths, nutritionists etc. I hadn't had periods for over 8 years but after working with Kat I GOT MY PERIOD and I definitely feel more positive about my fertility journey. You are in trusted great hands and just make sure you are ready to commit to the changes suggested!
Tasha, UK - Group Fundamentals for Fertility client
Just at the beginning of trying to conceive, I was concerned it was too early to be useful but boy was I wrong. I guess there's always that thing of maybe it will just happen, but I am someone who does like control and knowledge and I hate waiting for things to happen if there's something I could do about it. Katy is very personable. Friendly bubbly and
happy to talk about those TMI things which were so important and created a safe space. In the group, we are all at different stages but their strength, openness and support have made a world of difference. So many results, my period returning, mindset, definitely clearer and more content in my mind. I do feel more positive about my journey. For me the real value is Katy.
Louise, Devon - Group Fundamentals for Fertility client
I felt like I had a relatively good idea of nutrition, but I wanted to learn as much as I could. I also knew I would benefit from the group support as emotionally I was struggling due to feeling so alone in the process. I am a shy person and I was worried about the group interaction. Katy has been absolutely amazing. She is kind, caring, compassionate and extremely knowledgeable - I always feel completely at ease talking to her. The group calls have really helped me to come out of my shell a bit, I feel much more confident now. Working with Katy has been the best thing I could have done to help my fertility journey and my overall health. I now feel 100% confident that I am doing everything I can to achieve my dream of becoming a mother.
Rebecca, London - Group Fundamentals for Fertility client
I was feeling quite demoralised and like the rollercoaster of waiting to see each month what if anything would happen. The course offered an opportunity to educate me, rather than randomly googling things. I have a huge amount of respect for Katy’s dedication, hard work and commitment. nutrition. I felt safe in your hands. Working with Katy has meant I understand my body and fertility better. It has been so powerful to hear what others are facing. I don't feel lonely anymore, I feel in a community with a group of strong incredible women.
Anonymous, USA - Group Fundamentals for Fertility client
Before starting the programme I was feeling in a poor routine, not sure where to start, overwhelmed and hopeless.I didn’t follow anything consistently. I wanted to learn if I was missing something and clearly everything about nutrition and how it affects my whole body. Overall I feel great about the information provided and I now have the knowledge to apply to
get my health in order. Knowledge is key. I know what I need to change and continue to change. Small victories and I pray I can get more done very soon. Katy, you’re amazing. I appreciate your understanding, patience, grace, and knowledge and I hope I can continue a relationship with you to learn more and hope to have a day to celebrate.
Michelle, London - One to One client
I was feeling frustrated and stuck and unsure about why we weren't getting pregnant. I felt like I wanted us both to be in the best conditions possible for successful IVF treatment so decided to start working with Katy. I really enjoyed our sessions with Katy. I felt like you were extremely knowledgeable and professional, as well as wonderfully kind, understanding, and empathetic. I felt heard and held by Katy and supported the whole way and I'm so grateful for that. I feel empowered with more knowledge about the impacts foods and certain products have on my body. I also have more hope now and feel assured that I'm doing all that I can to support myself on our journey. Working with Katy has been an empowering experience and you will learn so much about yourself. Thanks so much for all your help and support. I really appreciate it!!!! Hope to share some positive updates with you in the near future xxxx
Charlotte - Group Fundamentals for Fertility client
I was feeling alone on the TTC journey. 9 months in. Issues with spotting and bleeding. I thought taking more focus on the TTC thought may make me too obsessive. Katy was open, friendly and a delight. You can feel her passion for the subject matter and her knowledge is on point. The group atmosphere was the best thing for me. I have felt so much less alone and it wasn't a focus on are you pregnant or not but on tangible practical things, I can do. It's not about perfection but making small changes and then stacking those. Don't expect to implement everything perfectly. For anyone else looking to work with Katy, it's ok if you just take one thing per week and work on that. It's the best way for longer-term consistency. Thank you so much Katy for your love and warmth.
Charlotte Carter, Suffolk - One to One client
I had been experiencing huge changes in my energy and felt like it was linked to nutrition and menopause. I was feeling foggy headed, a little lost and my energy had dipped. Prior to working with Katy, I followed a lifestyle plan but food and nutrition was always the thing I neglected. Katy is fabulous at what she does. She is incredibly knowledgeable and approachable and puts you at ease. I took all her advice from the offset and the results were pretty remarkable. I have my mojo back, I have more clarity of thought and my sleep is improved. I have more appreciation for what I put in my body too.
Kate, UK - One to One client
I was feeling stuck having suffered from an eating disorder for over ten years and was contemplating going through fertility treatment to become a solo parent. Katy was utterly brilliant. We had twelve sessions together and each one was so valuable to my recovery. Katy was a nutritionist, a coach, a mentor and a friend to me. Katy was always available to answer questions and give me her thoughts on supplementation and other aspects of nutrition. I am still waiting for the NHS to make a decision as to my eligibility for funding for IUI/IVF, so at this stage, I am uncertain if I will try for a baby. Having said that, if the time comes, I feel empowered with knowledge off the back of my time working with Katy. Katy, You rock.
Ellie Beach, Sussex - One to One client
I was pregnant and in desperate need of some guidance and support as I have an eating
disorder. I have been in recovery for a while but very much needed the support and knowledge of a nutritionist. I feared not being able to find someone that understood my eating disorder and also inadvertently making it worse. Katy is absolutely amazing. I loved every minute of our time together. Everything we put in place was manageable and loving. I entered the fourth trimester with my second baby, feeling held and loved. I experienced self-compassion and peace with my body all the groundwork of which was laid with Katy and our sessions. Working with Katy totally transformed my second-time experience of pregnancy. You have it all, thank you so so much xx
Amy Oldfield, UK - One to One client
After coming off birth control my period never returned even years later. Before working with Katy I had already made some good strides with my health with another nutritionist but was referred to Katy for more specialised support. Katy was very supportive, compassionate and respectful at all times. I felt very safe to be vulnerable and share everything I was experiencing. I’ve gone from having periods every few months to every month. And I know that I’m ovulating, which was my goal. I had to put on some weight in order to heal my body and now feel happier in a bigger size, as I know it’s best for my health. You were the best, thank you. I’m so glad I found you!
Vicky, Scotland - One to One client
Prior to working with Katy, I felt very stuck. I had been TTC for 3 years and had just had my
second miscarriage. My diet was very sugar heavy and I didn’t feel that reducing sugar would be an option for me. I have really enjoyed working with Katy. She has supported me to find a way forward. A lot of the changes came naturally and I often felt I had decided to make the changes with Katy's support rather than her directing what I must do. I feel in control and like I have a plan in terms of what to focus on.
Postnatal nutrition workshop Attendee
So Useful! It has given me a reminder that it is important to focus on my nutrition for my health and wellbeing. I've got so many great ideas, but also a renewed enthusiasm for food!
Postnatal nutrition workshop Attendee
Really nice opportunity to learn about nutrition tailored to my needs, along with other mums in a relaxed space. I've learnt very easy, implementable steps and tips for healthier eating to boost my energy which I can start working on today.
One to One Fertility Client
Over the 12 weeks working with Katy, our weekly check ins gave me real focus on how to make small changes to my diet and lifestyle. Katy guided us with diet changes to support fertility and lifestyle, advice with tracking irregular periods, supplements and additional useful medial testing. Above all she listened to me and I felt supported in our fertility journey: at no point did we feel under pressure or blamed for things we perhaps were doing to jeopardise our chances of conceiving. In 12 weeks we have totally turned around our diet, lifestyle and mindset about trying to conceive.
Private Health Visiting Client
​The visits so far have been so helpful for me as a first time mum. Working with Katy has been amazing and I enjoy talking to her because I can open up and be honest about how I'm feeling, whether I'm having a bad day or when everything is going great. I always trust Katy with what I say & when I do have a bad day she gives me advice for myself and advice regarding my daughter.